Urban Harvest
Green Wisdom Herbal Plant Food
A herbal elixir for your plants! Urban Harvest's herbal plant food contains a combination of certified organic herbs to boost the fertility of your soil and the health of your plants, both in the house and in the garden. Promotes flowering too. Like
"Rescue Remedy" for your plants!!! Directions: Make tea with one tea bag per litre of boiling water. Leave overnight if possible or until you have a strong decoction. Apply twice a month to houseplants. In the garden or on the deck, one
tea bag can be soaked in a large bucket of water and applied every time you water. A friend of ours just keeps one bag of Green Wisdom in an 18 litre bucket of water and uses that to water all his deck plants every day. Topping up with a new
bag and more water when the bucket is empty. The result was truly healthy, vigorous plants with lots of flowers and fruit. Also use as a foliar spray. 10 large hemp tea bags. $7.99 CANADAIN ORDERS ONLY